Bribery & Corruption Policy
Image: 3rdtimeluckystudio/
Metro Commercial Ltd, an RICS-regulated firm, is committed to conducting its business ethically and honestly and implementing and enforcing systems that prevent bribery.
We have a zero-tolerance policy toward bribery and corrupt activities and are committed to acting professionally, fairly, and with integrity in all business dealings and relationships.
This policy is designed to comply with legislation and guidance on countering bribery and corruption, specifically the RICS professional standards and guidance, global Countering Bribery and Corruption, Money Laundering, and Terrorist Financing, 1st edition, February 2019.
This policy applies to all individuals working for or under the control of Metro Commercial Ltd, including employees at all levels, directors, officers, agency workers, contractors, consultants, and any other person within our control.
Policy Statement
Metro Commercial Ltd prohibits.
"The offering, promising, giving, accepting, or soliciting of an advantage as an inducement for an illegal action or a breach of trust."
"Any form of bribery, whether directly or through any third party."
Management: Ensure that those reporting to them understand and comply with this policy and are given adequate training on it and the issue of bribery.
Employees and Associates: Understand and comply with this policy, avoid any activities that could lead to or imply a breach of this anti-bribery policy, and notify management as soon as possible if they believe or suspect that a conflict with this policy has occurred or may occur.
Compliance Officer: Responsible for overseeing this policy, including updates in line with legal and regulatory changes.
Gifts and Hospitality
Gifts and hospitality are recognised as established and important parts of doing business. However, Metro Commercial Ltd prohibits offers or receipt of gifts, hospitality, or expenses whenever such arrangements could affect or appear to affect the outcome of business transactions and are not reasonable and bona fide.
Reporting Violations
Employees and others are encouraged to raise concerns about any issue or suspicion of malpractice at the earliest possible stage. If you are unsure whether a particular act constitutes bribery or corruption, or if you have any other queries, you should raise them with your manager or the Compliance Officer. Concerns should be reported by following the firm’s whistleblowing procedures.
Monitoring and Review
The Compliance Officer is responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of this policy and will review its implementation regularly. They will assess its suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness. Any improvements identified will be made as soon as possible. Employees are encouraged to offer their suggestions in this process.
This policy is not part of an employee's employment contract, and the company may amend it.